Elon Musk has changed his Twitter profile to just “#bitcoin.” The Spacex and Tesla CEO also tweeted, “In retrospect, it was inevitable.” The price of bitcoin immediately soared. Elon Musk’s Bitcoin Twitter Profile and Tweets Spacex and Tesla CEO Elon Musk changed his Twitter profile to “#bitcoin” on Friday morning. He also made a cryptic […]…
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Elon Musk’s Twitter profile today.
Tesla mastermind Elon Musk has sent the crypto world into a fresh frenzy with his latest Twitter activity – adding bitcoin (BTC) to his profile, and making a comment that scores of dogecoin (DOGE) advocates have taken as a ringing approval of the token. But it seems it was about BTC.
BTC is up by 11% in the past hour, hitting USD 36,054 (09:06 UTC). It jumped…
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Mark Cuban. Source: a video screenshot, Youtube, TMZSports
Crypto sleuths have taken a peek into the ethereum (ETH) wallet of the outspoken American billionaire Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball franchise. And it turns out that Cuban owns a lot more altcoins and what he has labeled ‘shitcoins’ than previously assumed.
The entrepreneur appears to own a number of tokens,…
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Hint: He holds a lot of “shitcoins.”…
Continue reading on https://decrypt.co/55794/mark-cuban-reveals-whats-in-his-ethereum-wallet
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